Sunday, June 23, 2013

Do Not Love the World

1 John 2:15-17 (NLT)

15 Do not love this world nor the things it offers you, for when you love the world, you do not have the love of the Father in you. 16 For the world offers only a craving for physical pleasure, a craving for everything we see, and pride in our achievements and possessions. These are not from the Father, but are from this world. 17 And this world is fading away, along with everything that people crave. But anyone who does what pleases God will live forever.

John wants us to understand that this world and all of its pleasures and treasures are going to pass away.

What 3 things does he specifically say are in the world?

Who does he say will abide forever?

Write a prayer asking God to help you to love living according to His will and not make false gods out of worldly things.

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