Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Disciples Follow Jesus

Luke 14:26-27 (NLT)

26 “If you want to be my disciple, you must hate everyone else by comparison—your father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even your own life. Otherwise, you cannot be my disciple. 27 And if you do not carry your own cross and follow me, you cannot be my disciple.
We should not be confused by this passage of Scripture. When Jesus spoke to those following Him, He did not mean they need to hate everyone. Jesus wanted His disciples  to understand that He was to be the most important person in their lives.
In the last blog, I said, "Disciples are followers of Jesus." Disciples should be willing to go where Jesus tells them to go and do what Jesus tells them to do regardless of the cost to them personally. The cost I am referring to does not always involve money. It could cost us money, if Jesus tell us to give to another person who has a need. It could cost us time, if Jesus tell us to take care of someone's child so they can go to work. It could take us away from our family, if Jesus asks us to go and tell others about Him. Sometimes following Jesus will cost us our pride, for example, if Jesus asks us to go and apologize to someone we have hurt.
As Jesus said, in the scripture, His followers need to be prepared to "carry their own cross." That means as His disciples, we need to be ready every day to deny ourselves, our wants, and our wishes and do what He tells us to do. It is important that we understand, we are  following Jesus when we take care of those for whom we are responsible. We are following Jesus when we care for our children, our husbands, and our homes. We should strive to do do our best in any task our Lord gives us.
Dear Readers, I wrote this devotion back in the spring for a project I was working on. Reading back over it now, I realize how many times I have been tested over the past few months in this very area. In some areas I am still being tested and I know that testing isn't nearly over. These areas require daily surrender for the long haul. Often, I fall short, realize my failure, and have to get up the next day, trust that my Lord's mercy is new for that day and start again. I sometimes get frustrated, throw up my hands, raise my voice, and want to quit. True disciples don't quit. My new son-in-law is a treasure. He spoke these words to me, "Let's think of the scenario of the Shepherd and His sheep. If the Shepherd leads you to cross the river, you will cross it with His help. But don't go throwing yourself into the river when that isn't what the Shepherd has for you." In another area, my Lord has shown me that I have a responsibility toward those who are hurting. He has opened my eyes to see their needs and given me a desire to meet those needs. It's going to cost, but I know it's where He is leading. I am anxious to be a part of His work. What about you? Where is He leading you? Disciples follow Jesus!

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