Friday, August 23, 2013

Jesus, Hope of the Nations

I don't usually do this, but I have had this song, Jesus Hope of the Nations, by Brian Doerksen, on my mind for a couple days. I hope that you will take time to click on this link, actually listen to it and enter into worship and lift up praises to our God. I don't know what your circumstances are today, but it comforts me in the situation where I find myself to realize that the ONE who began a good work in me will be faithful to complete it. (Phil. 1:6) I think I am better sometimes at claiming this verse for others than for myself. But think of the truth of it...HE isn't going to leave us where we are. Whatever fears or failures stare you in the face today, HE is going to continue to work in you by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT until the day JESUS returns. You are not abandoned. I am not abandoned. I am not beyond repair or without hope for HOPE lives in me. And if you have surrendered your life to HIM, HOPE lives in you, too. Take heart Friend! Let's focus on JESUS...the HOPE of the Nations...the HOPE of Christy Venable ...the HOPE of You, too!

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