Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Acts 1:8 (NLT)

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Last week in Bible study, we were challenged to think about what God might want to do in our lives that we have no idea about. It's actually kind of exciting to think about what that thing might be. At first, I only thought of positive things like being His witness or being used to help someone learn to walk with the Lord (making disciples). Then, it occurred to me that the Lord's list of things that He wants to do in my life probably involves other things like teaching me to speak the truth in love rather than just speaking the truth so often or perhaps teaching me to keep shorter accounts by offering forgiveness more quickly. His list of "Things to Do" in my life might also include teaching me to be less critical. I totally understand that all of these things would be good and have a purpose and I can see Him wanting to accomplish them. Of course, changing me heart and attitude would bring glory to Him. To take it one step further, what if on His list He's written, "suggest some Job-ish thing"? Ummm...I wasn't wanting to think in that direction at all.
As I think back to the twelve...I mean 11 Apostles...I am reminded that the Lord Jesus had plans for their lives that they had no idea about. Intermingled with moments of Holy Spirit strength and power were the moments of Holy Spirit empowered humility and suffering. Still they were Holy Spirit-filled vessels. Still they were His witnesses. Still they remained true to the One they knew to be faithful. What a powerful force! What a testimony! 
God's strategy for our lives: Possessed by Jesus Christ, indwelt by the Holy Spirit, we go forth to manifest the life and power of God the Father. ~Ray Stedman
So regardless...He's using us...using us to change the world...using us to make a difference... Let us remember to rely on His power and not on our own!

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