Saturday, August 17, 2013

Saturday in the Psalms, Psalm 119, Stanza 2

The writer of Psalm 119 is contemplating how a young person can remain pure. He realizes the answer lies in obedience to God's Word and he has sought to find God. Let's list all the things he has done to prevent his own wandering:
~ prayed that God would not let him wander
~ hidden God's Word in his heart
~ praised God for His decrees
~ recited God's Word aloud
~ rejoiced in God's Word
~ studied God's Word
~ reflected on God's ways
~ delighted in God's Word
~ committed God's Word to memory
We, too, need to realize that remaining faithful in our relationship with Christ does not come naturally. We need to be committed like the Psalmist to making God's Word a priority and asking God to give us the strength needed to remain pure. We also need to keep short accounts with the Lord. When we stay from His Way, we need to quickly turn and get back on the right path. So don't be discouraged if you've slipped away from your faithfulness in spending time in the Word, just pick it back up today and start anew. To take your time in God's Word to a new level, try memorizing some verses, reading aloud, or checking out the listed cross references. His Word is alive! When we go seeking Him in His Word, we are sure to find Him!

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