Monday, August 5, 2013

Salvation is for Certain!

   Glad to be back writing...I try to blog out of the overflow from my own quiet times with the Lord. Just needed a break to focus on some things between just me and my LORD. I know you understand. Thanks for your patience.
   Yesterday morning in church, I was given an unexpected opportunity to pray with two ladies regarding the certainty of their salvation. It was truly a precious experience with them and the LORD. I loved sharing from my heart the truth of Christ, our Redeemer...

John 3:16 (NLT)

16 “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.
   God's Word, the Bible, teaches us that all people are born sinners. Sin is the bad things we do that go against God's laws. Because Adam and Eve, the first man and woman, sinned, we are all born with a sin nature. Sin separates us from God. God loves the people He created and wants to have a relationship with us. Since the payment for sin is death and eternal separation from God, the only way to restore our relationship with Him was for God to send someone perfect to pay the penalty for our sins. God sent His only Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus was perfect because He never sinned.
   Jesus came into our world as a man. He was fully God and fully human. We know this is true about Jesus because the Bible tells us it is true. Jesus took our sins on Himself and was crucified on a cross. His death paid the penalty for our sins. When a person believes in Jesus, her sins are removed. The person is no longer responsible for paying the penalty for her sin. She has been saved.
   It is important for us to understand what it means to believe in Jesus. Believing in Jesus is more than just knowing He is God's Son. Believing involves knowing we are sinners, accepting Jesus' free gift of salvation, and entrusting Jesus with our lives. For example, think of a chair. You may look at the chair and believe it will hold you if you sit in it. But, until you entrust your body to the chair and sit down in it, you haven't really believed in it. When we believe in Jesus, we trust Him with our lives and we become His follower. Jesus' followers are called disciples.
   Yesterday, those two ladies prayed and affirmed their commitment to Christ. It was a joy to share with them as I said before, but more than was a privilege to be present as the Holy Spirit spoke to their hearts and they uttered sweet prayers of surrender. All glory to the One made us and draws us to Himself!