65 You have dealt well with your servant,
O Lord, according to your word.
66 Teach me good judgment and knowledge,
for I believe in your commandments.
67 Before I was afflicted I went astray,
but now I keep your word.
68 You are good and do good;
teach me your statutes.
69 The insolent smear me with lies,
but with my whole heart I keep your precepts;
70 their heart is unfeeling like fat,
but I delight in your law.
71 It is good for me that I was afflicted,
that I might learn your statutes.
72 The law of your mouth is better to me
than thousands of gold and silver pieces.
O Lord, according to your word.
66 Teach me good judgment and knowledge,
for I believe in your commandments.
67 Before I was afflicted I went astray,
but now I keep your word.
68 You are good and do good;
teach me your statutes.
69 The insolent smear me with lies,
but with my whole heart I keep your precepts;
70 their heart is unfeeling like fat,
but I delight in your law.
71 It is good for me that I was afflicted,
that I might learn your statutes.
72 The law of your mouth is better to me
than thousands of gold and silver pieces.
It is a proverbial saying, that every one makes his own destiny; and this is usually interpreted, that every one, by his wise or unwise conduct, prepares good or evil for himself: but we may also understand it, that whatever it be that he receives from the hand of Providence, he may so accommodate himself to it, that he will find his lot good for him, however much may seem to be wanting. ~Wm. von HumboldtThe Psalmist has already gleaned such wisdom as referred to by Mr. Humboldt. It seems Providence, the Lord, has dealt a hand of affliction to the psalm's writer. The affliction has proven profitable in his own estimation as it has served to push him to the scriptures. Whereas before the affliction, he went astray; now, he is tethered to the statutes of the Lord. Are you presently afflicted? Will you trust that the Lord's hand is at work in your situation? Will you accommodate yourself to it and wait for the Lord to prove it beneficial?
Lord, give us glimpses of the fruit you are producing in our lives.
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