Monday, May 13, 2013

Walking with the Wise

Proverbs 13:20 (ESV)

20 Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise,
    but the companion of fools will suffer harm.

Last year when we were on mission in Honduras, we participated in group Bible study each morning. Although our group was large and it took a while to accomplish the task each day, the time spent together proved valuable in helping us get to know our team, knitting us to accomplish our work for the day, and drawing us near to our Lord. The missionary in charge led us in reading a chapter from the Old Testament and the New, a chapter from Proverbs and a Psalm. After we read the Proverbs, each team member would talk about the verse that meant the most to them. Proverbs is an excellent book of the Bible to read corresponding with the days of the month, because it has 31 chapters. Since today is the 13th of May, let's read Proverbs 13 together. If you desire to do so, you may click the link and read the passage at
Verse 20 is the one that particularly stands out to me. Why? I like to think of my life in Christ as a journey...daily walking with Jesus and growing in Him. Verse 20 causes me to think about who the others are that are on the same journey as me and the benefits of us going along beside one another. Sure, the companionship is great, but besides that there are some things that two can do together better than one can do alone. A wise friend is a treasure especially in the tough times.  The scripture also causes me to think about who I chose to go alongside. Are they a good influence on me or bad? Is their conversation pleasing to the Lord? Do they compromise in areas where I know I should stand firm? Another consideration is, what kind of example am I for those who want to come along with me in the journey? Do I act wisely or am I foolish? Is there someone I need to commit to going alongside? Do I need to slow down and keep pace with someone who is lagging behind in their own journey because of injury, grief, or stress?
Now, which verse stands out to you? How does it apply to your life right now?

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