Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Fools Vent...the Wise Do Not

Proverbs 29:11 (NLT)

11 Fools vent their anger,
    but the wise quietly hold it back.
Our Bible study teacher mentioned the practice of reading a Psalm each day, but only reading until you reach the point of a verse speaking specifically to you. "Then," she suggested," use the cross references to bring more insight to that particular verse." I have been enjoying this method in the Proverbs. Today, I am struck by chapter 29, verse 11, almost to the point of leaving you with the verse and no comment. In truth, it speaks for itself...don't you think? It's interesting to note that in my Bible, there are no cross references for this verse.  Let me simply ask us some application questions: About what have you most recently vented? How did you feel about your rant afterward? Justified, validated, or foolish? How do you feel when you manage to hold back your angry words? It is possible to be angry and not sin. Our Lord promises we always have a way of escape when we are tempted. Lord, this is a hard one. Help us hold our tongues and not behave foolishly!

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