Thursday, February 7, 2013

Better Shape Up

1 Timothy 4:8(ESV)

for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.

I wonder how many of you, like me, have clothes in your closet that you would like to fit into again. The problem for me isn't that I don't have the desire to fit back into them. It's that I don't want to put forth the effort needed to trim down and shape up. This morning I was praying about a couple things I'm asking the Lord to teach me. I've known for a while that my life would be better and I would be more effective as a believer if I was more like Christ in these areas. It's been a process. First, the Holy Spirit convicted me. Next, I confessed/agreed/admitted, "I really am lacking in those areas." Now, I have come to the point that I am asking Him to train me. This morning, I was thinking through some possible ways He might go about teaching me. Every way I could think of seemed hard maybe even impossible, but I really want to shape up in those areas. I want Him to exercise me and strengthen my weaknesses. How about you? Is there some area the Lord has been pointing out where you could use a little shaping up?  Will you join me in asking the Lord to step up our spiritual fitness?

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