Friday, February 22, 2013

Truths from Jacob's Journey-Genesis 32-33

In Genesis 32-33, we find the account of the reunion of Jacob and Esau after years of separation sparked by deceit and betrayal. In preparation for the encounter, Jacob sent his wives and children on across the river and stayed by himself for the night. At least he thought he was staying by himself. Much to his surprise, Jacob had an event filled night of wrestling with a man who eventually left him with a disjointed hip and a new name. Jacob, now Israel, worshiped knowing for certain that it was God Himself who had come to him in the night. Humbly, he limped on behind the generous gifts of livestock he had prepared for his brother. It might have been fear that drove him, but it was love and forgiveness that met him in the arms of his weeping sibling.
Our Bible study teacher, Janice Gleason, brought out these truths...I have added the verses:

1) Face your fears with God for only He can enable you to focus on His promises.

I sought the Lord, and he answered me

he delivered me from all my fears. Ps.34:4(NIV)

2) Whether I like how God wrestles with me or not, He will always win.

Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. Phil. 2:12b-13(NIV)

3) God can change the things we perceive as impossible.

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.” 
Mark 10:27(NIV)

I needed all of these truths this week. Which one speaks most to your heart? 

Click here to view Janice Gleason's full teaching on Gen. 32-33.    

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