Sunday, March 31, 2013


Matthew 28:1-10 (NLT)

The Resurrection

28 Early on Sunday morning, as the new day was dawning, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went out to visit the tomb.
Suddenly there was a great earthquake! For an angel of the Lord came down from heaven, rolled aside the stone, and sat on it. His face shone like lightning, and his clothing was as white as snow.The guards shook with fear when they saw him, and they fell into a dead faint.
Then the angel spoke to the women. “Don’t be afraid!” he said. “I know you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He isn’t here! He is risen from the dead, just as he said would happen. Come, see where his body was lying. And now, go quickly and tell his disciples that he has risen from the dead, and he is going ahead of you to Galilee. You will see him there. Remember what I have told you.”
The women ran quickly from the tomb. They were very frightened but also filled with great joy, and they rushed to give the disciples the angel’s message. And as they went, Jesus met them and greeted them. And they ran to him, grasped his feet, and worshiped him. 10 Then Jesus said to them,“Don’t be afraid! Go tell my brothers to leave for Galilee, and they will see me there.”

He is risen just as He said!!! Hallelujah!!! Our Lord is risen!!! If  this is only a story to you and you have never known the power of the Resurrected Christ, will you accept His free gift of salvation today? All He went though on the cross was for us, friend. To receive that gift, confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead. For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved(Romans 10:9-10). What a privilege we have been given! Have a blessed Resurrection Sunday!!! Let us join the women in going to tell others!!!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Saturday in the Psalms (Psalm 30)

Psalm 30(NLT)

A psalm of David. A song for the dedication of the Temple.

I will exalt you, Lord, for you rescued me.
    You refused to let my enemies triumph over me.
Lord my God, I cried to you for help,
    and you restored my health.
You brought me up from the grave, O Lord.
    You kept me from falling into the pit of death.
Sing to the Lord, all you godly ones!
    Praise his holy name.
For his anger lasts only a moment,
    but his favor lasts a lifetime!
Weeping may last through the night,
    but joy comes with the morning.
When I was prosperous, I said,
    “Nothing can stop me now!”
Your favor, O Lord, made me as secure as a mountain.
    Then you turned away from me, and I was shattered.
I cried out to you, O Lord.
    I begged the Lord for mercy, saying,
“What will you gain if I die,
    if I sink into the grave?
Can my dust praise you?
    Can it tell of your faithfulness?
10 Hear me, Lord, and have mercy on me.
    Help me, O Lord.”
11 You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing.
    You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy,
12 that I might sing praises to you and not be silent.
    Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!

What must life have been like for the followers of Jesus between the time He was crucified and resurrection morning? Luke said that by the time they had finished preparing the spices and ointments for Jesus body, the Sabbath had begun and they rested. Rested? How could they have rested? You and I know very well that one can look as though they are resting on the outside when inside our minds are racing a mile a minute. Our bodies might look calm, but our hearts can be wrenching on the inside. Was there a mustard seed of faith inside them that was hopeful? We have the vantage point of knowing the whole story, but has there ever been a dark night when you felt as though all hope was lost? Are you caught in that night right now? Dig into this Psalm and ask the Lord to meet you, comfort you, give you assurance...Sunday is on the way!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday

Today is Good Friday, the day Christians commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and His death on Calvary. I can't help but think of the kind of night my Lord has already had by the time He actually made it up Gogotha's hill and hung on the cross for public display. He had dinner with the disciples and then, tried to get them to pray and keep watch with Him in the garden of Gethsemane. They kept falling asleep while He, in agony, surrendered His will for their sake and ours. He was betrayed by Judas, one of the twelve, arrested for crimes He did not commit, and hauled in before the priests and the high council. Peter, one of His closest friends, denied Him. He was put on trial before Pilate. He was mocked , whipped, and nailed to a cross...a common form of execution for that day. But, He was not a common man.
I challenge you as you go about your day to consider our Lord's "Good Friday" over 2000 years ago. Ask the Lord to make it real to you as you track with you take it all you worship. I have listed documented times as they appear in scripture, but don't miss all the details that occur in between. My prayer for us today is that this Good Friday be different than the others. Let's focus on Jesus...zoom in and look at the details...zoom out and take in the big picture. Have a blessed day!

Mark 15:25 (NLT)

25 It was nine o’clock in the morning when they crucified him.

Mark 15:33 (NLT)

33 At noon, darkness fell across the whole land until three o’clock.

Matthew 27:46 (NLT)

46 At about three o’clock, Jesus called out with a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” which means “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?”

Matthew 27:57-58 (NLT)

57 As evening approached, Joseph, a rich man from Arimathea who had become a follower of Jesus,58 went to Pilate and asked for Jesus’ body. And Pilate issued an order to release it to him.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Jesus Tells the Guys the Plan

Matthew 26:31-35 (NLT)

Jesus Predicts Peter’s Denial

31 On the way, Jesus told them, “Tonight all of you will desert me. For the Scriptures say,
‘God will strike the Shepherd,
    and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.’
32 But after I have been raised from the dead, I will go ahead of you to Galilee and meet you there.”
33 Peter declared, “Even if everyone else deserts you, I will never desert you.”
34 Jesus replied, “I tell you the truth, Peter—this very night, before the rooster crows, you will deny three times that you even know me.”
35 “No!” Peter insisted. “Even if I have to die with you, I will never deny you!” And all the other disciples vowed the same.

This passage is entitled "Jesus Predicts Peter's Denial," but after reading it today, I think it deserves a subtitle, "Jesus tells the guys the plan." I've never seen it as clearly before. Maybe because I was so focused on Peter. In verse 31, Jesus says they will all desert him which gears us up for Peter's declarations to remain faithful even unto death. But look at v. 32...the plan is clearly stated..."After I have been raised from the dead, I will go ahead of you to Galilee and meet you there." Okay, first of all if I were a disciple, I would be very grateful for that last minute reminder about the "raised from the dead" part. That would be extremely good to know in the next 24 hours. I love how Jesus goes ahead and gives a longer view. The plan is: He will meet them in Galilee and He's going to be there waiting for them. What comfort! I wonder how many times they thought of His words. Did they remember them when He was arrested, when they scattered, when He was on the cross, when His body was sealed in the tomb? At what point did they each think, "Just get through this and then make haste Galilee for He will be waiting for me there." I don't know about you friend, but I need to know there is a longer view from Jesus perspective than from mine. I need to be able to cling to His plan and rest in it. I can trust that when I get through the periods of loneliness, heartache, sorrow, loss of job, financial stress, or anything else, He has a plan for what's on the other side. He's going ahead of me and He is going to meet me there. Weeping may last for the night, but a shout of joy comes in the morning!

Jeremiah 29:11 (NLT)

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Worship or waste?

Matthew 26:6-13 (NLT)

Meanwhile, Jesus was in Bethany at the home of Simon, a man who had previously had leprosy.While he was eating, a woman came in with a beautiful alabaster jar of expensive perfume and poured it over his head.
The disciples were indignant when they saw this. “What a waste!” they said. “It could have been sold for a high price and the money given to the poor.”
10 But Jesus, aware of this, replied, “Why criticize this woman for doing such a good thing to me?11 You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me. 12 She has poured this perfume on me to prepare my body for burial. 13 I tell you the truth, wherever the Good News is preached throughout the world, this woman’s deed will be remembered and discussed.”

This passage is rich with truth and application. I wish we could all sit down together and each say what we see in it for I know that together we would see much more than I alone can see. Here are some things that stand out to me:
vs. 7 - Following Jesus cost the woman greatly. She gave willingly without being coerced.
vs. 8 - The disciples did not understand why the woman would make such a sacrifice.
vs. 9 - 12 Jesus knew the heart of surrender and obedience behind the gift. He could see beyond the disciples limited view.
vs. 13 - Jesus honored her for the offering she gave.
When have you been criticized for your obedience or sacrificial worship of the Lord Jesus? How did you handle the pressure when others simply could not understand what you were called to do? We need to realize others won't always understand our offering, our worship, our obedience, our call, our surrender, or our method. Only Jesus knows the value of what we bring to Him. We like to have the approval of others, but Jesus' approval is the only approval that truly matters. Let us seek no other honor than the honor He bestows!

Psalm 84:11(ESV)

11 For the Lord God is a sun and shield;
    the Lord bestows favor and honor.
No good thing does he withhold
    from those who walk uprightly.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Doing What Sheep Do

Matthew 25:31-40 (NLT)

31 “But when the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, then he will sit upon his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered in his presence, and he will separate the people as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will place the sheep at his right hand and the goats at his left.
34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home. 36 I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me.’
37 “Then these righteous ones will reply, ‘Lord, when did we ever see you hungry and feed you? Or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 Or a stranger and show you hospitality? Or naked and give you clothing? 39 When did we ever see you sick or in prison and visit you?’
40 “And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’

Yesterday, my younger daughter and I went shopping in a nearby town. As we were driving along, Lindsay spoke up, "I have a granola bar, can I give it to him?"  I had not even noticed the homeless man on the side of the road. She quickly found the bar in her purse and rolled down the window. "I have a granola bar," she said. "Would you like to have it?" The homeless man replied, "Yes Ma'am, thank you very much!" It's a wonder she did not open the door and ask him to hop in the car for her thoughts remained on him all day. She thought of other things she could have done for him...whether or not it was best to give homeless people money...what he was doing in the afternoon when it began to snow. As we left town and started home, she talked about going back to get him. I thought of how that dirty homeless man was Jesus to Lindsay today and how Lindsay was Jesus to him. I think Jesus was happy for the both of them. It wasn't by chance that Lindsay filled her purse with snacks before we left home. She was led by the Holy Spirit. She was headed for a divine appointment. We rejoiced that the granola bar was hearty and would fill his empty belly and sustain him for a while. I pray the love she showed to him sustained him, too. Lindsay is a sheep. Sheep feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty, invite strangers into their homes, clothe the naked, care for the sick, visit those in prison. Sheep are blessed by their Heavenly Father. Sheep inherit the Kingdom He has prepared for them from the creation of the world. Let us go and do what sheep do!

Monday, March 25, 2013

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem...

Matthew 23:37-39 (NLT)

Jesus Grieves over Jerusalem

37 “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones God’s messengers! How often I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen protects her chicks beneath her wings, but you wouldn’t let me. 38 And now, look, your house is abandoned and desolate. 39 For I tell you this, you will never see me again until you say, ‘Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the Lord!’”

Jesus' heart of love for the people of Israel shines brightly in these verses..."I have wanted to gather your children together as a hen..." These are the same people God Himself spoke of in Genesis 12 saying, "I will make of you a great nation." They are the same people who turned to idols over and over as recorded in the Old Testament, whom He continued to pursue and call back to Himself, "I will win her back once again, I will lead her into the desert and speak tenderly to her there." (Hosea 2:14) These are the people for whom He had come..."For God so loved the world, that He sent His only begotten Son."(John 3:16)  He knew them for He created them and yet, the creation refused the Creator, "but you wouldn't let me." This breaks my heart, but I know that like them I have ignored Him. He would like to be my protector, but I choose time and time again to stand in my own strength rather than be gathered in to Him.  The great thing is: His heart has not changed. He still loves. He still pursues. He still longs to gather people to Himself. Easter is a wonderful time to share with others Christ's redemptive plan for the nations. It is wonderful time to share His redemptive plan for _________. To whom is He sending you? Will you share with them how you came to know Jesus and how they can too?

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Here Comes Jesus!

Matthew 21:1-11 (NLT)

Jesus’ Triumphant Entry

21 As Jesus and the disciples approached Jerusalem, they came to the town of Bethphage on the Mount of Olives. Jesus sent two of them on ahead. “Go into the village over there,” he said. “As soon as you enter it, you will see a donkey tied there, with its colt beside it. Untie them and bring them to me. If anyone asks what you are doing, just say, ‘The Lord needs them,’ and he will immediately let you take them.”
This took place to fulfill the prophecy that said,
“Tell the people of Jerusalem,
    ‘Look, your King is coming to you.
He is humble, riding on a donkey—
    riding on a donkey’s colt.’”
The two disciples did as Jesus commanded. They brought the donkey and the colt to him and threw their garments over the colt, and he sat on it.
Most of the crowd spread their garments on the road ahead of him, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. Jesus was in the center of the procession, and the people all around him were shouting,
“Praise God for the Son of David!
    Blessings on the one who comes in the name of the Lord!
    Praise God in highest heaven!”
10 The entire city of Jerusalem was in an uproar as he entered. “Who is this?” they asked.
11 And the crowds replied, “It’s Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.”

Today, many pastors around the world will stand and proclaim this familiar Palm Sunday passage. I wonder how many different lessons can be gleaned from these 11 verses. Here are two things the Holy Spirit has shown me: First, all the disciples had to say to the man who owned the donkey and the colt was "the Lord needs them" and the man would immediately let Jesus' followers take possession of the animals. I want to be quick to hand over my time, my talents, and my tokens when Jesus asks for them. He certainly has every right to my day, my dance, and my dollar for He is the one who gave them to me. Second, the crowd created such a ruckus with their praise and carrying on over Jesus that the entire city paid attention. I desire for my praise to point others to Him, too. How about you? What stands out to you from these verses? Will you share your gleanings with us?  May you have a blessed Palm Sunday!
Father, Help me to be quick to return to Your service the things You have blessed me with and fill me with Your praise so that as I make much of You, others will be drawn to Jesus!

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Saturday in the Psalms (Psalm 104)

Psalm 104 (NLT)

Let all that I am praise the Lord.
Lord my God, how great you are!
    You are robed with honor and majesty.
    You are dressed in a robe of light.
You stretch out the starry curtain of the heavens;
    you lay out the rafters of your home in the rain clouds.
You make the clouds your chariot;
    you ride upon the wings of the wind.
The winds are your messengers;
    flames of fire are your servants.[a]
You placed the world on its foundation
    so it would never be moved.
You clothed the earth with floods of water,
    water that covered even the mountains.
At your command, the water fled;
    at the sound of your thunder, it hurried away.
Mountains rose and valleys sank
    to the levels you decreed.
Then you set a firm boundary for the seas,
    so they would never again cover the earth.
10 You make springs pour water into the ravines,
    so streams gush down from the mountains.
11 They provide water for all the animals,
    and the wild donkeys quench their thirst.
12 The birds nest beside the streams
    and sing among the branches of the trees.
13 You send rain on the mountains from your heavenly home,
    and you fill the earth with the fruit of your labor.

My daughter and her fiance' have been with us for eight days. Together, they are constantly celebrating something! They celebrate what they eat, the places they go, the decisions they make, and much more. Words of affirmation pour from their lips. "I like how you did that," he will say and of course, she eats it up! "Look what you did! I'm so proud of you!" she has said over and over to him.  On vacation, they wore "Just Engaged!" buttons and for four days, they were showered with congratulations...more celebrating...which they love! It occurred to me as I watched them that I should be more like that in my relationship with my Lord. I should make much of Him at every opportunity. "I like how you did that," I could say or "Look what you did!" I will never run short of words of praise to speak to Him. He is worthy of unending praise and adoration. I get busy and fail to acknowledge all He has done. Do you? Will you join me in celebrating Him today? Like the Psalmist, let us marvel at the magnificence of our God! Don't miss the rest of this wonderful passage, you may click the link here to Bible Gateway to finish reading Psalm 104. Have a wonderful day!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Not just surviving, but THRIVING!

Psalm 84:5-7 (NLT)

What joy for those whose strength comes from the Lord,
    who have set their minds on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.
When they walk through the Valley of Weeping,
    it will become a place of refreshing springs.
    The autumn rains will clothe it with blessings.
They will continue to grow stronger,
    and each of them will appear before God in Jerusalem.

We were on vacation this past week in Florida where the weather was warm and sunny! Beautiful flowers were in bloom all over and we could smell the oranges as we passed groves loaded with colorful fruit. Somehow these trees and flowers are able to withstand the state's current drought conditions. In other places, we saw once green and lush shrubs and trees turned brown and wilted.  Could it be the thriving plants are sustained by another source of water other than rain? Perhaps they are watered by someone who takes particular care of them and sees to their needs for they thrive despite nature's brutal elements. Isn't this the illustration referenced in the verse above for the believer? Despite the tough times he faces, he is still well watered and able to flourish. He will continue to grow on his journey right up until the time when he meets Jesus face to face. He is well planted, strong, and nourished. Will you take these truths to heart and claim them in your present circumstance? Try reading them over again and making them personal. God's Word is alive and active...He is eager for you to experience it's power in your life.
Lord, give us eyes to see like you see! Help us to grab hold of your strength and claim it for our lives today! 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Guest Blog by Janice Gleason

Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I had a dream, and no one can interpret it.  But I have heard it said of you that when you hear a dream you can interpret it.”  “I cannot do it,” Joseph replied to Pharaoh, “but God will give Pharaoh the answer he desires.”  Genesis 41:15-16
Joseph’s reply to Pharaoh’s compliment convicts me deeply.  My reaction would have been to immediately answer Pharaoh out of the “wealth” of knowledge I possess.  I wouldn’t have hesitated to analyze it from every angle current to my life.  Or speculate as to what had happened in his life to cause this dream.  Or even give him a personality test to help him figure out the deeper issues going on, for obviously he would have deeper issues than just what he was saying on the surface.  In fact, I would have gladly given him the personality test and then relayed to him the results from my certainty that I knew what was going on deep inside his heart.
But Joseph simply replied, “Pharaoh, I don’t have a clue… I just don’t know but I know the One Who does…let’s ask Him.”  Thus in beautiful humility, Joseph seized an opportunity to introduce this pagan Pharaoh, who worshipped many gods, to the One True God.
Oh, LORD forgive me for thinking I have all the answers to everyone’s deep concerns or life issues.  You have used these two little verses to convict me. I am a foolish woman.  Help me to steer them to You and Your Word first.  I know I have missed many opportunities to simply direct them on to You instead of leaving them with me and my human ideas.  It’s a pride issue for me, that begins in my heart and spews out of my mouth…guard my tongue for I cannot control it without Your help.  Thank you, LORD.
“For the word of God is living and active.  Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates [like a scalpel in the hands of a skilled surgeon] even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.  Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight.  Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of Him to Whom we must give account [my pride is laid bare before You].”  Hebrews 4:12-13
“Let us then approach the throne of GRACE with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need…a timely help.” Hebrews 4:16

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Guest Blog by Christie Loboda

Back on Track
In chapter 35 of Genesis we find Jacob back on the right track - getting himself and his family back into a right relationship with God - They had stayed too long in a place God never intended them to linger.  They had compromised and conformed to the pagans around them.  Now they were choosing God - ridding themselves of the foreign gods and good luck charms they had accumulated. They were outwardly cleansed representing their need for inward cleansing and headed to Bethel where God had told them to go so many years earlier.      I must admit I have more trouble with rushing ahead than lingering or settling behind - I just pick up and run right THROUGH Bethel to the other side somewhere THEN look up and ask - Hey!  Where'd God go?  Why am I in this mess?  What happened to the plans I made? - why are things not working out like I planned?? And I have to rid myself of some idols, get cleaned up, turn back around and see … He never left … I just had my back turned facing my own "stuff" ignoring Him and His promises!
What compromises have you and your family made?  Where are you allowing the outside world to influence your family?
Where do you need to move ahead or back up to the place God wants you to be?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Guest blog by Christie Loboda

Vengeance is Mine
At the end of Genesis chapter 34 we find Jacob's sons blaming their horrific vengeful deeds on someone else.  When they were brought to task for it by their father they acted as if they had been forced to commit this sin.  This is never true.  As much as I hate to admit it - I and I alone am responsible for my sin - no one can cause me to sin. Yes, a horrible, horrible thing had happened to their sister and they were bent on revenge, but revenge was not their job - not even their right…

Rom 12:19 & 21(HCSB)
19 Friends, do not avenge yourselves; instead, leave room for His wrath. For it is written: Vengeance belongs to Me; I will repay, says the Lord.
21 Do not be conquered by evil, but conquer evil with good.

Where are you dealing with past mistreatment/abuse of yourself or of someone you love?
Where have you let evil conquer you?  How would handing it over and letting God deal with it benefit you in the long and short run?  How might it benefit those around you?

Monday, March 18, 2013

Guest blog by Christie Loboda

After the Mountaintop
At the end of Genesis chapter 33 we find Jacob at the end of a glorious mountaintop experience.  He had just reconciled with his brother Esau in a way that only God could have made happen.  He built an altar and for the first time called on God - not as the God of Abraham and Isaac but as his own.  Have you ever had those kind of mountaintop experiences - times when you really knew God's presence, recognized His hand, knew you were smack dab in the center of His will?  In the very next chapter we find that Jacob has chosen to settle a bit shy of God's goal for him and things begin to crumble.  There is no mention of God at all in this chapter.  Is he relying on that mountaintop experience to get him through?  Am I guilty of relying on "once in a while" experiences, "once in a while" conversations?  I must not live my life relying on once in a while!  I need daily time with Him, daily conversations, daily submission, daily renewal, daily obedience, daily guidance, daily help, strength, growth … and on and on!

What past experiences are you relying on?  Where have you settled - by way of convenience, comfort, avoidance, laziness, compromise … rather than God's place for you?
How will you determine today to spend time with Him daily?

Col 1:9 … We ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding. 10 Then the way you live will always honor and please the Lord, and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better. (NLT)

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Guest Blog by Kay Foote

The Miracle of Becoming a Believer

John 9:25b (NIV)

“...One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!”

Have you, too, had that indescribable experience of becoming a believer, and  knowing  deep in your heart that you once were blind, but now you see? I remember so well that day in my own life and nothing has been the same since. Not that I don't continue to be molded into the person God created me to be, and still fall far short, but the changes have been dramatic.
I was thinking about these words from John and decided to write out the many miraculous things that have transpired in my life since that day in October, 1970, when I became a new person in Christ. The changes that have occurred in my life fill my heart with gratitude to God, who loved me so much that he changed my life forever in the twinkling of an eye. Spiritually, everything has changed:
·          The doubter became a believer
·          I was lost, but now I'm found
·          I was blind, but now I see
·          I was weak, but now I'm strong
·          I was poor, but now I am rich
·          I was lame, but now I can walk
·          I was deaf, but now I can hear
·          My closed heart has been opened
·          I was dead, but have been made alive
·          I was a prisoner, but have been set free
·          I was sick, but now I'm well
·          I lived in darkness, but have now seen a great light
·          The storms of my life became calm
·          My sadness has turned to joy
·          My meaningless life has become meaningful
·          I was a wanderer who has come home

Thinking of the many ways your life has changed may bring tears to your eyes as it does to mine. If so, rejoice! God is good; his mercies are too numerous to count.

2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)

17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Saturday in the Psalms (Psalm 133)

Psalm 133 (NLT)

A song for pilgrims ascending to Jerusalem. A psalm of David.

How wonderful and pleasant it is
    when brothers live together in harmony!
For harmony is as precious as the anointing oil
    that was poured over Aaron’s head,
    that ran down his beard
    and onto the border of his robe.
Harmony is as refreshing as the dew from Mount Hermon
    that falls on the mountains of Zion.
And there the Lord has pronounced his blessing,
    even life everlasting.

One thing you may have picked up on from reading my blogs is that I truly enjoy companionship. I love to have a friend come along side me in fun or when there is a task to perform. I'm not bothered by which one of us takes the lead. I just like to go at it together. This is one of the things I so enjoy about writing a Daily Discipleship Blog...I love journeying together, growing together, studying God's Word together, and praying together. I also love when you, the reader, in turn write a comment or share a post with your friends. Then we are truly going at it together. It is my privilege beginning Sunday, March 17 to bring you guest blogs from several of my friends. These are ladies who journey alongside me in life. I laugh with them, cry with them, study God's Word with them, pray with them, and serve with them. These women have amazing hearts for the Lord. They are gifted in more ways than I can begin to list. I know you will enjoy these blogs tremendously!
Who does God have you journeying alongside right now? Websters says, harmony is 1. a combination of parts into a pleasing or orderly whole; 2. agreement in feeling, action, ideas, interests, etc.; peaceable or friendly relations. God's Word says harmony is precious and refreshing. We are blessed to have friends who journey alongside us in harmony. Together, God uses our different gifts, talents, abilities, and personalities to form a pleasing whole. In other words, together we can do great things! Will you spend a few minutes thanking God for those who journey with you? And if harmony needs to be restored, will you ask God to use you as His instrument for restoration?  Have a wonderful "Guest Blog" week and I will be back to blogging on Friday, March 22. Be sure to leave comments...the ladies will love your interaction.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Recognized by God

Staying at Our Post(THE MESSAGE)

1-10 Companions as we are in this work with you, we beg you, please don’t squander one bit of this marvelous life God has given us. God reminds us,
I heard your call in the nick of time;
The day you needed me, I was there to help.
Well, now is the right time to listen, the day to be helped. Don’t put it off; don’t frustrate God’s work by showing up late, throwing a question mark over everything we’re doing. Our work as God’s servants gets validated—or not—in the details. People are watching us as we stay at our post, alertly, unswervingly . . . in hard times, tough times, bad times; when we’re beaten up, jailed, and mobbed; working hard, working late, working without eating; with pure heart, clear head, steady hand; in gentleness, holiness, and honest love; when we’re telling the truth, and when God’s showing his power; when we’re doing our best setting things right; when we’re praised, and when we’re blamed; slandered, and honored; true to our word, though distrusted; ignored by the world, but recognized by God; terrifically alive, though rumored to be dead; beaten within an inch of our lives, but refusing to die; immersed in tears, yet always filled with deep joy; living on handouts, yet enriching many; having nothing, having it all.

Several years ago, we went through a tough situation of my husband being out of work and seeking employment. We sold our house and did everything we could to prepare for the move we felt like our Lord had in store for us. Like this passage says, "People were watching..." Those people who were watching were the furthest thing from my mind. Sometimes, they would come to us and say how we were ministering to them by our attitudes and our faith. In truth, we were ever before the Lord begging Him to send us a job. We were humbled. We felt alone. We were scared. But by God's grace, we stayed at our post. I wonder what is going on in your life today that requires staying at your post. Hard times? Tough times? Bad times? People may be watching...that is true and people can come up with all kinds of opinions. Look though at what is says further down in the passage: "recognized by God." God recognizes when we stay our post! Hang in there friend! Keep doing what you know is right! Hold on tight to faith! You are making much of your Lord and He is paying attention!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Pressed but not Crushed

2 Corinthians 4:6-10

New Living Translation (NLT)
For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.
We now have this light shining in our hearts, but we ourselves are like fragile clay jars containing this great treasure. This makes it clear that our great power is from God, not from ourselves.
We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed. 10 Through suffering, our bodies continue to share in the death of Jesus so that the life of Jesus may also be seen in our bodies.

I turned to this passage and it spoke straight to my comment or commentary needed. Let me simply ask us this: Based on verse 7, what are you facing right now that His power will enable you to conquer/overcome/endure/tread? Will you read verse 8 aloud and insert your name? Christy is pressed on every side...

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Seriously? Go after him?

2 Corinthians 2:5-8 (NLT)

I am not overstating it when I say that the man who caused all the trouble hurt all of you more than he hurt me. Most of you opposed him, and that was punishment enough. Now, however, it is time to forgive and comfort him. Otherwise he may be overcome by discouragement.So I urge you now to reaffirm your love for him.

I am struck by Paul's exhortation in this passage to the Corinthian church to restore their brother in Christ. Likely, this is a reference to the man from 1 Corinthians 5 whom Paul instructed the church to remove from their fellowship because of sexual sin. Now, Paul believes the man has suffered enough punishment and they should go back to the man, give forgiveness, and comfort him lest he be overcome by discouragement. I'll be honest with you, I read this and thought, "Seriously? First, you say, put him out, now go get him back?" Friend, this is hard. Will you ask yourself these questions? Is there someone with whom I need to seek restoration? Did sin cause division between us? Is my Lord asking me to reconnect with them? Romans 3:23 is clear, "We all sin and fall short of God's glory." We all stumble and struggle with weaknesses. Is there someone you know who has become disconnected because of their sin? Maybe they were ashamed and distanced themselves...would you be willing to reach out to bring them back into fellowship with other believers? I know you are probably thinking, "If I start hanging out with them, what is everyone going to think of me?" Maybe a better thought is, "What will my Lord think of me?" We think of things like sexual sins as the really big sins, but what about the friend who was embarrassed when someone pointed out she was gossiping? Will you go to her? I know this is tough stuff to think about. Do you remember that peace that flooded over you the last time you took the hard steps in obedience to your Lord? It's waiting for you...go after it!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

For They Will Be Comforted

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (NLT)

All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.

I have a dear friend who is faithful to remind me in love of this truth when I go through difficult circumstances or seasons of my life. "Just think," she has told me, "one day, the Lord will bring someone to you with this same kind of problem and you will be able to minister to them." Sometimes that is hard to swallow in the midst of my circumstances, but isn't it true based on what this scripture says? My Lord comforts me in my affliction, so that later on I will be able to offer that same kind of comfort to someone else in their dark hour. In further study of the word comfort, I was lead to this exchange between Ruth and Boaz, her kinsman redeemer.

Ruth 2:11-13 (NLT)

11 “Yes, I know,” Boaz replied. “But I also know about everything you have done for your mother-in-law since the death of your husband. I have heard how you left your father and mother and your own land to live here among complete strangers. 12 May the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge, reward you fully for what you have done.”
13 “I hope I continue to please you, sir,” she replied. “You have comforted me by speaking so kindly to me, even though I am not one of your workers.”

Boaz knew what Ruth had done and the sacrifices she had made in seeing to her mother-in-law's needs. He knew that even though she was not Jewish, she had come to take refuge in the One True Living God, and he knew God would bless her for what she had done. Boaz's words were a comfort to Ruth. It's the same for us friend...Our Lord, our Redeemer, knows the sacrifices we have made. He knows the struggles we have faced. He knows our endurance in hard times. He knows the trust we have placed in Him. He is our refuge and He is going to bless us. We can be comforted by His words to us in the written Word. I wonder who Ruth went on to comfort later in life. She was King David's great-grandmother; perhaps she offered comfort to the "man after God's own heart." You and I don't know who's life we will be able to touch with the Lord's comfort as a result of today's struggle in our own life, but we can trust that this too shall pass and our Lord will use us as His Word says. Let these words written in red from our Redeemer fill us with hope, "God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted." Mark 5:4

Monday, March 11, 2013

A Wide-Open Door

1 Corinthians 16:5-9

New Living Translation (NLT)

Paul’s Final Instructions

I am coming to visit you after I have been to Macedonia, for I am planning to travel through Macedonia. Perhaps I will stay awhile with you, possibly all winter, and then you can send me on my way to my next destination. This time I don’t want to make just a short visit and then go right on. I want to come and stay awhile, if the Lord will let me.In the meantime, I will be staying here at Ephesus until the Festival of Pentecost. There is a wide-open door for a great work here, although many oppose me.

Paul has options...he has plans for going to see the Corinthians, probably travel through Macedonia, maybe stay the winter with them, would like to stay longer than he did last time, and then, go on to the next destination. Paul also has opposition...which seems to be the norm wherever he goes. The thing that stands out most to me in this passage is that Paul has opportunity...A Great Door of Opportunity right where he is in Ephesus. He is staying put, because there is work to be done. Only a few verses earlier, Paul told the Corinthian believers to "be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless." This is a great lesson for you and me. Sometimes I start weighing my options and devising my own plans as to what I want to do for the Lord when really there is a wide-open door for service right where I am. Other times, I let perceived opposition stand in the way of ministry opportunities. I miss out when I let either one of these scenarios keep me from God's will. I need to learn to be strong and immovable when faced with opposition and I need to learn to work enthusiastically where I am until the Lord does something different. I don't want to miss any doors of opportunity because I have my head in the clouds thinking of what is next. Paul had the right idea. Let's look around us today for those wide-open doors for ministry. Let's ask God to give us eyes to see and not to miss what he has for us here in Ephesus because we are so anxious to get to Macedonia.
Help us slow down, Lord, and go at your pace!