Sunday, March 17, 2013

Guest Blog by Kay Foote

The Miracle of Becoming a Believer

John 9:25b (NIV)

“...One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!”

Have you, too, had that indescribable experience of becoming a believer, and  knowing  deep in your heart that you once were blind, but now you see? I remember so well that day in my own life and nothing has been the same since. Not that I don't continue to be molded into the person God created me to be, and still fall far short, but the changes have been dramatic.
I was thinking about these words from John and decided to write out the many miraculous things that have transpired in my life since that day in October, 1970, when I became a new person in Christ. The changes that have occurred in my life fill my heart with gratitude to God, who loved me so much that he changed my life forever in the twinkling of an eye. Spiritually, everything has changed:
·          The doubter became a believer
·          I was lost, but now I'm found
·          I was blind, but now I see
·          I was weak, but now I'm strong
·          I was poor, but now I am rich
·          I was lame, but now I can walk
·          I was deaf, but now I can hear
·          My closed heart has been opened
·          I was dead, but have been made alive
·          I was a prisoner, but have been set free
·          I was sick, but now I'm well
·          I lived in darkness, but have now seen a great light
·          The storms of my life became calm
·          My sadness has turned to joy
·          My meaningless life has become meaningful
·          I was a wanderer who has come home

Thinking of the many ways your life has changed may bring tears to your eyes as it does to mine. If so, rejoice! God is good; his mercies are too numerous to count.

2 Corinthians 5:17 (NIV)

17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

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