Tuesday, March 5, 2013

I had fun today and I love you!

Psalm 37:23 (NLT)

23 The Lord directs the steps of the godly.
    He delights in every detail of their lives.

Yesterday, I spent a couple hours with my friend's little girl while her mommy was at an appointment. She's come to my house before so she had an agenda in mind for what we would do today. First things first, she wanted to know where the dog was. About that time Lady, our pup, came happily bounding down the stairs for some licks and kisses. Next, she asked for the toys she had played with before. We don't keep them out anymore so it took a little bit for me to move some things around and retrieve them from the attic. She played with delight for a while and let me get a few things done in the house. Then, we were ready to go to wal-mart. I thought it was a great idea to go potty before we left home. She did not. I did not want to have to go in Wal-mart. She said, "We can go at Wal-mart." I said with a little more authority, "We are going to potty here not at Wal-mart." Reluctantly, she went. In the car, she wanted to know what music we had. "How about this one," I asked turning on David Crowder's I Saw the Light. She liked it! We listened to it over and over. In Wal-mart, she wanted a toy. I said we could only look at the toys, but I could buy her a book. With a $25 toy in hand, she explained that she really wanted a toy. I asked if she had money. Much to my surprise, she pulled out invisible cash. I explained that Wal-mart doesn't accept invisible money. She furrowed her brow. Now, she would let me buy her a book. At the end of our time together, she said, "I had fun at your house today, Mrs. Christy." Then, almost immediately, she came back and said, "I had fun at your house today, Mrs. Christy and I love you!" My heart melted...big hug and a kiss on the head! What a great day!
I say all of this to say...sometimes I have an agenda for what I think is going to happen. Some things will go exactly like I planned and I will get to do just what I wanted to do. Some situations require patience to wait for what I want...others will require that I stop for a break I don't think I need to take. Likely there will be times of singing and rejoicing that I wish could go on and on. Eventually, there is bound to come a time when I will want something I cannot have. I will try to figure out a way to make it happen on my own, but it won't. I may have to settle for what I think is second best. I may frown and be disappointed. But when I look back over it all, I know the good will have outweighed the bad..."Jesus, I had fun with you today. Jesus, I had fun today and I love you." What privilege we have in knowing He directs us! I will choose to trust Him in with my day today. Will you?

1 comment:

  1. isn't it amazing...He says,according to this verse, "i had fun with YOU today too!" WOW!
