Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Daily Guidance

Psalm 32:8 (NLT)

The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.
    I will advise you and watch over you.
Please excuse the delay in getting today's blog posted...internet issues...

I have an amazing Sunday School teacher...a Godly man who gives high priority to his daily time alone with God. He is great to share with us wisdom he has gained during his own journey following Jesus. He makes a point on a daily basis to offer up his day to the Lord to do whatever will please the Lord...asking the Lord to hear his prayers and petitions and to disregard anything from his prayer that might not be pleasing in the Lord's sight and thereby, go against His will. This man is desperate to follow wholeheartedly after Christ. I am thankful for his example. This quote by H.W. Smith reminds me of my Sunday School teacher's resolve...
The heights of Christian perfection can only be reached by faithfully each moment following the Guide who is to lead you there, and He reveals your way to you one step at a time, in the little things of your daily lives, asking only on your part that you yield yourselves up to His guidance. If then, in anything you feel doubtful or troubled, be sure that it is the voice of your Lord, and surrender it at once to His bidding, rejoicing with a great joy that He has begun thus to lead and guide you.  
Will you take a moment right now to offer up your day to the Lord seeking only to please Him? Will you be so bold as to ask Him to disregard any prayer of your heart that doesn't please Him? In whatever comes your way, will you wholeheartedly trust His guidance?

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