Tuesday, July 16, 2013

His Workmanship, by Michael Eldridge

Philippians 2:12-13 (ESV)
Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.

Ephesians 2:10 (ESV)
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

My wonderful Father, there is such an important day dawning. I don’t know yet why it will be so important. Oh, I have some idea. I understand a thing or two on my schedule but there must be so much on yours. To think about how you’re at work in life after life, bringing together details from planning you started before the foundation of the world, absolutely boggles my mind. It’s more personal than that, though, Father. I believe today you will be at work in me to will and to work for your good pleasure. Thank you for the attention you give to me, the kind of attention I’ll never fully grasp.

So often I think of myself as the worker, Father. So often I think of myself as busy, and I suppose I am. You have blessed me with such tremendous opportunity to make impact, to help people see and respond to Jesus. To take my own personal salvation in the name of your Son and partner personal energy with it, to see my own faith refined and grown but especially to aim at achievement that glorifies you because of it—this is unspeakable privilege. You’re a perfect worker, though, Father. When you set energy into a life there is no distracting or derailing you. We both know it’s not that way with me. It’s difficult to say this but I actually fear the “Amen.” When this private time with you ends my day will begin, and I’ll have to fight harder to stay on task then I would to actually complete your task. I’m so prone to sin. I’m so prone to wander. So help me today to keep focused on the right effort, to be prayerful throughout, to be given eyes to see what matters most in each passing scenario. Help me do the work you mean me to do, especially to be busy adding to what you’ve already given… virtue and more knowledge and greater self-control and steadfastness in spirit and utter godliness and affection for my brothers and sisters, but especially love—your love.

Most of all, Father, help me remember how near you are. Help me remember that you’re working. I’ll be so undergirded, I just know it, as long as I don’t lose sight of how you’re investing yourself in me. You’ve promised that I am saved by your grace through my faith on Christ Jesus, that with this gift comes the truth that I am your workmanship, one of many created for good works. Help me walk in them today, Father, please… please. If you don’t, I fear you’ll be the only one of us actually working…

…oh Father, I come and now I go in Jesus’ name…


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