Thursday, July 25, 2013

Honesty in Affliction

Proverbs 20:24 (ESV)

24 A man's steps are from the Lord;
    how then can man understand his way?
I confess to you, dear readers, that I do not always understand the way the Lord has for me. I am tempted to question how this way can be best, how it can work for my good, how it can truly be called righteous. I am prone to wander and want to take matters into my own hands and not allow His plan to work out. My heart revs like a car engine when I am circumstantially forced to wait things out...I am anxious. Yet, my Lord knows my tendencies and He holds me. He endures with me for He more than any other understands the fruit of suffering. He steadies me. I will not understand...His ways are not my ways. I must trust...look straight ahead...remain focused on Him. Oh my soul, do not give in to the temptation to turn to the right or to the left...stay your course. I do not comprehend your way, my Lord, nor am I able to comprehend your reward.

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