Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sunday Everyday, by Michael Eldridge

Proverbs 8:30 (ESV)
I was daily his delight, rejoicing before him always,

I once had a friend who so loved the church she and her family had discovered that she once rhetorically asked, "Why can't every day be Sunday?!" Often her words come to mind for me. After all, for us as followers of Jesus what's not to love about Sunday?

...the chance to praise our Lord beside other Christians
...sitting under practical teaching from God's Word
...interacting with other believers for the living of life
...eating with your family
...taking a long afternoon nap

Well, admittedly, a few of those are mere options, but you understand what I mean. There is something so special about what we get to experience each Sunday that it often makes weekdays (even while in Christ) seem unappealing. I hope today your experience with your gathered church has you this excited. Does it? Would you be willing to share why?

For many, though, Sunday is not exactly a welcome friend, no more than the dawning of Monday. For them it means gathering with a fragmented, selfish, plateaued, or dying church. It means navigating one's way around relationships that aren't what they could be, all while trying to maintain at least a little communion with Christ. It means enduring preaching or teaching that just doesn't apply well into Twenty-first Century life, or it means plodding through all sorts of other variations of unideal Christian reality. For these (and trust me that I understand the view from these seats), context makes it difficult to be a disciple among other disciples. Waking on Sundays becomes a curse. Greeting becomes a chore. Worshiping becomes a challenge.

If this is you today and you're having trouble welcoming Sunday then I offer this quick reminder from the Proverbs. A wise look at God and his love for you will partner with this reminder and possibly fill your tank with just enough fuel to look heavenward. You are daily the delight of our Father. Your circumstances may tell you something different, but this is true, and it's always been true, even before you were born. A better Sunday can begin by hearing this and looking to him rather than around you, then before you know it, perhaps, the one who makes you his daily delight will soon make everyday yours.

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