Friday, January 11, 2013

In Step with the Spirit

Galatians 5:25 ESV
25 If we live by the Spirit, let us also keep in step with the Spirit.

This is going to be one of those "This just happens to be where I am right now" blogs! Today several of the things the LORD has shown me this week have gelled and I want to share it with you.  Here's what happened...
I'm in the middle of a big project.  Last week, the project felt HUGE! I came to a point where I had invested all of the time and energy I had intended to invest, but had not seen the results I believed the LORD intended. Crisis of belief, right? Yes, it was. My choices were: to stop, knowing I had put forth good effort and just relax about it and move on OR to dig in, invest more of myself and keep on toward what I felt the LORD wanted.  I was tired and I confess a little disappointed. I could easily have taken the first option. No one would have faulted me, but I could not let go of the vision I felt like my LORD had given me. I remember telling my husband, "What if the results I need are in reach if I will put forth  a little more effort?" The next morning I was able to get busy, put forth the effort, and see those results. YAY! Thank you LORD! Because I walk by the Spirit, I was able to keep in step with the Spirit, because that same Spirit enables me to walk in Him. He gave me the faithfulness and perseverance needed to see the task to His end. 
On Tuesday, this week I heard great teaching at a Bible study I'm a part of.  In regard to Abraham and his obedience in offering Isaac as a sacrifice(Gen.22), our teacher pointed out the value of learning to see past the sacrifice. I realized today that is what the Lord had done for me. He let me see beyond what it was going to cost me and stay focused on pleasing Him. She also taught us God notices and affirms our obedience to His commands and His approval is all we need. In those moments of disappointment when I was deciding whether or not to keep on, there wasn't anyone breathing down my neck. It was all between my Lord and me.  I wanted an "Atta girl!" from my heavenly Father.
What's going on in your life right now? Is there a crisis of belief? Is what God intends for you just on the other side of that mountain? What if it is just beyond your reach and a few more steps of faith will lead you to it? Don't stop. In Christ Jesus, you walk by the Spirit. Keep in step with the Spirit!

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