Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Be strong and do it!

1 Chronicles 28:9-10

English Standard Version (ESV)

David's Charge to Solomon

“And you, Solomon my son, know the God of your father and serve him with a whole heart and with a willing mind, for the Lord searches all hearts and understands every plan and thought. If you seek him, he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will cast you off forever. 10 Be careful now, for the Lord has chosen you to build a house for the sanctuary; be strong and do it.”

Let's focus on v. 10 today...If I made a list of things the LORD has chosen me to do, my list would look something like this...
1. to be a child of God
2. to be a wife
3. to be a mother and mother-in-law
4. to be a friend
5. to be a member of a local body of believers
6. to be a small group leader and so on...
These are things I have been chosen to do for an extended period of time. Some are lifelong commitments. Other things could be added to my list for only a season. For example...I might be chosen to minister to a neighbor who is sick or share the gospel with a coworker. Like we discussed yesterday, I should be fully committed to doing these things the LORD has chosen me to do. Certainly commitment is key to the success of any task, but let's not over look the last 5 words of the verse "be strong and do it." I believe the importance of these words relates to the fact that we are not to operate in our own strength. David intended for Solomon to find his strength to complete the task in the Lord, his God. Check out David's words in Ps. 29:11

May the Lord give strength to his people!
    May the Lord bless[a] his people with peace!

I confess I do not always rely on God's strength. I can get sidetracked and start running on my on strength and before long I don't have any. How about you? Is there something He has chosen you to do that you need to ask Him for the strength to accomplish? What will you face today that is impossible for you to do on your own? Maybe it's not even that big, but it just seems too big for you at this moment.  Let's acknowledge our weakness and ask Him to fill us with His strength!  Here are a few verses for further study: Isaiah 41:10, Phil. 4:13, Ps. 46:1. I pray you know your Lord's strength today and whatever He has chosen you to do, you will "DO IT!"

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