Monday, January 21, 2013

Spiritual Growth...a guest blog by Christie Loboda

From time to time, I hope to be able to bring you a guest blog. Here's the first one by my friend, Christie Loboda. Enjoy and please feel free to leave your comments below! ~Christy V.

            One sure fire way to spiritual growth is obedience.  WHAT?  "Well duuuh," as my kids would say.   But, as all moms know, there's obedience and there's OBEDIENCE.  The way you obey makes a difference!  In fact - obedience is not only a great tool toward spiritual growth it's also a great sign of how your growth is going!
            Two guys come to mind at different points in their spiritual walk.  Moses at the burning bush was just beginning his spiritual growth.  God gave him a job - you can read the discussion in Exodus 3 - lots of discussion - God simply promises to be with him.  Abraham in Genesis 22 is much farther along in his spiritual walk.  God gave him a job - there was no discussion only "Here I am" and prompt obedience.

          Want to "measure" your spiritual growth?  What does your obedience look like?  When God calls you - what is your reply? -  run the other way, a tentative, shaking "yeees", or a simple "Here I am."?  What is your "routine" when He asks you to do an "impossible" thing? - ramble off a list of reasons why it's not a good idea, a list of your faults and past failures, whine and complain with a list of hardships it will cause, … or obey immediately, trusting God's call, His outcome, and His provision?

James 1:2-4 Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds,  for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.  And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. ESV

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