Thursday, April 25, 2013

According to His Riches

Philippians 4:19 (ESV)

19 And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.

In Bible Study this week, we were challenged to list our needs and commit to praying about the things on the list every time we think of them. I listed my needs, but it has taken me a couple of days seeking the Lord to figure out exactly what my prayer regarding each need should be. I want to be specific with my Lord and pray according to His will. Is the need for the situation to be changed or is the need for me to be changed? I have requests for both on my list. Another issue in regard to this challenge is committing to pray rather than fret or worry. I will have to stop myself and chose to pray. I also have to deal with the fact that for most of the things I listed, I don't see a "quick fix" on the horizon. I need my Lord to supply the need out of "His riches in glory" like the verse says. When the needs are met, all glory will belong to Him! How do I know He will come through? Proverbs 30:5 says, "Every word of God proves true."
What about you? Will you make a list? Will you ask God how you should pray? Will you pray every time you think about those things? Will you trust with me that God is going to provide for our needs out of His riches in glory? ALL GLORY TO JEHOVAH-JIREH, OUR PROVIDER!

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