Saturday, April 13, 2013

Saturday in the Psalms (Psalm 93)

Psalm 93 (NLT)

Psalm 93

The Lord is king! He is robed in majesty.
    Indeed, the Lord is robed in majesty and armed with strength.
The world stands firm
    and cannot be shaken.
Your throne, O Lord, has stood from time immemorial.
    You yourself are from the everlasting past.
The floods have risen up, O Lord.
    The floods have roared like thunder;
    the floods have lifted their pounding waves.
But mightier than the violent raging of the seas,
    mightier than the breakers on the shore—
    the Lord above is mightier than these!
Your royal laws cannot be changed.
    Your reign, O Lord, is holy forever and ever.

He's got the whole world in His hands,
He's got the whole wide world in His hands,
He's got the whole world in His hands,
He's got the whole world in His hands.
Do you remember as a child confidently singing these words with your hands cupped while you swayed back and forth? It seems in the society where we live today, there are more and more reasons question the reality of this little song. The truth is there is never any reason to question. Our God is as strong as ever and our world stands as firm as it did on the day our Lord spoke it into being. Sure there are floods rising, floods have risen before, and they will surely rise again, but the Lord is mightier. Our God is sovereign! The Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary says, "The Bible teaches that God possesses all power and is the ruler of all things. God rules and works according to His eternal purpose, even through events that seem to contradict or oppose His rule." I know when we look around we see things all over the world that seem to contradict, but His laws cannot be changed. His reign is holy forever and ever!!!
To what area of your life do you need to apply this truth? Will you make a decision to no longer side with those who favor fear, but rather to take a stand for faith? I pray this be the song of our hearts today:
My God is so big!
So strong and so mighty!
There's nothing my God cannot do!

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