Friday, April 19, 2013

Time Alone with Jesus

Luke 4:42-44 (NLT)

42 Early the next morning Jesus went out to an isolated place. The crowds searched everywhere for him, and when they finally found him, they begged him not to leave them. 43 But he replied, “I must preach the Good News of the Kingdom of God in other towns, too, because that is why I was sent.” 44 So he continued to travel around, preaching in synagogues throughout Judea.

Scripture indicates that it was common for Jesus to go off by Himself especially early in the morning to pray and spend time alone with His Father. In this passage in Luke, we find Jesus trying to be alone when the crowd found Him and began begging Him not to leave them. Of course, Jesus was not deterred by the begging crowd. He remained focused.
Unlike Jesus, I can be deterred at times by the demands of other things and other people pressing in on me. I awake with a list of what needs to be accomplished on my mind and before I know it, the whole morning will have gotten away from me and I won't have spent a minute alone with my Lord. I want to follow Jesus' example. I want time with Him to be the first priority in my day everyday. I want to be alert and surrendered to following His will. I want to talk to Him and hear Him speak to me. Don't you? Will you put whatever is begging for your attention aside and spend some time alone with Jesus today? Will you open God's Word and let Him speak to you? Will you talk to your Heavenly Father and give Him time to talk to you? What a blessing we miss out on when we miss our time with Him!

1 comment:

  1. The devil is so slippery....he slides into our most sincere thoughts and diverts our attention. Only the armor of God can stop him....but still he is there waiting for that weak moment!
