Monday, April 29, 2013

Letting God be God

James 5:11 (ESV)

11 Behold, we consider those blessed who remained steadfast. You have heard of the steadfastness of Job, and you have seen the purpose of the Lord, howthe Lord is compassionate and merciful.
After all the times our Lord has been true to His nature, I wonder why we are so quick as Bible believing Christians to doubt His goodness, His mercy, His love or any other of His many proven attributes. Haven't we learned by now that He does not act contrary to His nature? He can be trusted! He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. In her book, No Pat Answers, Eugenia Price said, 
We need to be freed from the disillusionment, disappointment, and perplexity which almost inevitably follow when we expect God to do a certain thing under a certain set of circumstances-especially when we expect Him to act in a way which we can understand as being "merciful and right," as coming from the hand of our concept of a loving Father.
Like the Israelites, all too quickly, we tire of going out daily to gather manna or having to get our water from a rock. A loving Father, we think, would provide in some other way. Perhaps we were better off before we followed God's man out into the dry, hopeless desert. Can this really be the way to a land flowing with milk and honey? Yet, He has promised to be with us, to go before and behind. If we believe this, how can we question or judge, His method of handling us on the journey?  Is there any promise He has left unfulfilled? Has any need gone unmet? How can we be so fully trusting one minute and so full of the doubt the next?  

It seems to me this is the very same strategy, our enemy, Satan, used with Eve in the garden. Wasn't it his goal the make Eve believe that her Creator wasn't all He made Himself out to be? Is there area of your life where you are offended by your Lord's handling of the situation? Will you let go of the doubts and disappointment and trust again in the nature of the One you know to be your loving Father?

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